A Trip Down Memory Lane

Revisiting spots and reminiscing on one of the most iconic pogo videos of the 2000’s.

Instagram story of our motorcycle ride visiting all the spots.

Looking at it now, it doesn’t look like much. It’s poorly edited, the tricks are way outdated, as are the sticks. But, in 2006, Pogo Cult 3 was one of the most progressive videos to ever be released at that time.

The very first handrail grind, the very first around the body air trick, one of the (if not THE) biggest gaps and bomb drops at that time, and also cant forget the first of many Technical Air tricks and Tech tricks that had never been seen or even heard of before. From beginning to end, almost every clip in Pogo Cult 3 featured something new that had never been done before (and the few that weren’t brand new, were very difficult and sought after tricks at that time).

I took a motorcycle ride with my buddy, who was often the filmer of my old Chicago solo videos, to the 3 most known spots from Pogo Cult 3. -> (Read More) ->

Pogopalooza 2019 Results

Flynn Nyman warming up at Pogopalooza 2019. Flynn took home first in Best Trick.

Here we are, a few days after Pogopalooza 2019. It was definitely another successful and crazy Pogopalooza, all put on by our friends at Xpogo. If you didn’t catch the action in person, there’s plenty of videos on our Instagram channel and on Xpogo’s Instagram and YouTube channels. Make sure you go check them out, because a lot of insanity went down. With that said, here are your official Pogopalooza 2019 results!

Freestyle Finals

1Dalton Smith92.50
2Henry Cabelus89.83
3Biff Hutchison88.67
4Michael Mena86.33
5Steven Bennett82.33
6Flynn Nyman76.83
7Fred Grzybowski74.67
8Harry White73.00
9Russ Kaus73.00
10Tone Staubs63.50


1Tone Staubs87.79
2Biff Hutchison79.38
3Michael Brookhart71.67
4Michael Mena69.13
5Ryan O’Malley59.38
6Aidan Gabriel55.58
7Ben Smith48.67
8Haley Greer48.17
9Dominique Davis 36.79

High Jump

1Michael Mena
(1 attempt)
2Henry Cabelus
(2 attempts)
3Dalton Smith
(3 attempts)

Best Trick

1Flynn NymanDouble Wrap-Around
2Tyler PhillipsPinwheel Flip
3Dalton SmithNo Foot Cannonball Grab Late ULBS

Best Trick also had notables, such as Tone Staubs’ Grind Body Wrap Reverse, and very close attempts by Michael Mena of a Reverse Squeege and Steven Bennett of 360 Flip Of Faith (!!!). -> (Read More) ->

Nic Patino, Billings MT, 2015

Photo Sequences

While digging through some pogo photo archives recently, I started noticing a lot of photos sequences I (or someone else) shot but had only ever used one of the frames. Some of these I had shot with the intent of stitching together into sequences, some were just happy accidents with the camera in burst mode. I’ve always liked this method for showing the entirety of a trick in a single image – each motion is broken down, and the parabolic curve of each jump is revealed.

I couldn’t leave these shots in a dark corner or some hard drive, so I gathered a bunch of photos and edited together this collection from over the years. Enjoy ?

The Creation of AllPogo

Dedicated to the growth and development of Pogo Sticking – That’s our motto. Earl Pote came up with it a few months ago, & it immediately reminded me of the exact reason I started AllPogo in the first place. I wanted to build a place for all pogoers to go to learn and progress, while being entertained and enthralled. Regardless of skill level or what style they ride, I wanted everyone to fit in and feel at home. I wanted to give back to the community and the sport that has given me so much, the sport that I am so passionate about. I feel like we have finally done that here, with AllPogo.com. 

I started AllPogo as an instagram account simply known as “@extremepogo”. It built a small following over time, but it lacked any enthusiasm. After a while, I got fed up with it and abandoned the page, but I had a vision brewing for something so much better. I typed out a few ideas I had and decided I wanted to make them happen. -> (Read More) ->

“History Of A Handrail” – Official Announcement

The official teaser poster, featuring a photo of Taylor Blaylock, shot in 2008.

The Vendetta Handrail has been one of the most notable pogo spots in the sport since it was found in 2008. Later this year, we’ll be launching our next AllPogo film, titled “History Of A Handrail.” The film will span the ten-year history of this famous spot with exclusive footage.

We can’t wait to get this film into the public, and we hope you are just as excited. Keep your eyes peeled for a teaser in the next few weeks.

“History Of A Handrail”
Coming this winter!

Show us your #FirstULBS!

The Under Leg Bar Spin, or ULBS as it is commonly known, is one of the most popular tricks, and definitely one of the biggest milestones in the pogo world. The ULBS is the trick that unlocks so much potential, and landing your first one is an amazing feeling for everyone. We wanted to highlight that excitement, so we started our #FirstULBS campaign. Beginners and legends alike are sharing clips of their first ULBS, and we want you to join in too!

If you have a video of your first Under Leg Bar Spin, upload it to Instagram using the hashtag #FirstULBS, or send it directly to us via DM. We would love to see your first ULBS, and maybe even repost it. If you haven’t landed the ULBS yet, we definitely encourage you to practice hard and film your attempts! It may seem hard at first, but soon you’ll be throwing them like they are easy.

Pogopalooza 2019

Pogopalooza 2019
Official Pogopalooza 2019 poster.

Pogopalooza is returning to Xpogo HQ in Wilkinsburg, PA at Community Forge, July 20th and 21st. The event will be two days of top notch pogo competition, and fun for the whole family with a free jump area to try out pogo sticks of all sizes as well as a 15 and under bounce off! Additionally, Xpogo will be broadcasting all of the action via live stream to their YouTube channel so any fans who can’t make the pilgrimage don’t miss out.

Check out the official Pogopalooza page for more information and to register to compete!

Welcome to AllPogo.com

Welcome to the brand new AllPogo.com. We are glad you are here, regardless of your skill level. Whether you are a seasoned pro or a new rider, we’re sure that you will find something new here to enjoy.

We’re always looking to hear from our community,  so please feel free to contact us on our contact page or leave a comment below if you have any questions, comments, or ideas!

-AllPogo Admins