We’re back with another update on the state of AllPogo, Pogopalooza, and Pogoing in general. Let’s get into it.

AllPogo Updates:
- AllPogo has been a bit slow on the social media channels after launching the REAPER and Aidan’s new video. The 2023 post-holiday season has wrapped up and we are kicking on the machine once again for another successful year of Pogo Sticking and community building.
- We are unfortunately NOT going to be hosting our Winter Warm-Up event this year. We are going to try to bring it back next winter, but seeing as this winter is almost over, it makes more sense to dedicate our efforts towards Pogopalooza. It was a fun time the first time around, but I’m continually hoping to make it an event worth traveling to and I wasn’t confident in that this year, so we’ll see how it goes in the future.
- Our Tricklist is back up and running! Grab a few new tricks today and you can have them mastered for #PogoAllMay later this year.