Welcome to the AllPogo Guide. We have designed this guide to get you fully introduced to the sport of pogoing. It includes a full pogo stick comparison, a glossary of pogo terms, and even a comprehensive and evergrowing trick list. We hope you enjoy learning about the sport we love so much.
Now let’s jump into it.
There are multiple types of Pogo Sticks available on the market, but we are mainly focusing on the ones that are more geared towards the “Extreme” side. We’ll talk more in depth about your choices on our “Sticks” page, but here’s a quick run-down.
By far the most used pogo stick is the Vurtego. It is an air-powered stick, which has height potential of over 10 feet if used correctly. This is most likely the stick that you have seen on TV, and the majority of riders prefer this stick over any other. There is also another air-powered stick, named the TK8. It is exclusive to Europe, and also can launch the rider higher than the traditional sticks.
Atheletes who prefer a smaller, more technical Pogo Stick usually use a GG, SS, or SP stick, which are classic metal spring powered sticks. Although all three models are essentially the same shape, they each have some differeces that set them apart. The height potential isn’t as high, but technical riding requires even more balance and control while doing tricks fast and low. Although it is often overshadowed by big air riding, tech is vital part of this sport. Being well-rounded in all styles is something every pogoer should strive for.
Pogo Stick Anatomy
While both of the main types of sticks have many differeces, the anatomy is fairly similar. Each type of stick has these basic parts, starting from the ground up:
Tip / Bounce Pad
The rubber Tip, or the Bounce Pad, is the piece that hits the ground on each bounce. They often wear down over time, so keeping an eye on the integrity of the tip is important; A lot of injuries can occur with a bad tip. There are a lot of different tip variations in the world, but only certain ones will work with each stick. Vurtego & TK8 tips will both work on the other model, but most tech sticks have their own tip design which is not interchangeable.
The Shaft is the long metal piece that the tip connects to, and which the main body of the stick travels vertically along to provide the bounce. On the bigger sticks like the Vurtego and TK8, the shaft is a square tubing. On classic spring sticks, it is usually round. The square shafts are much stronger, and usually won’t bend unless subject to extreme force at the wrong angle. Round shafts will bend easier, so keep that in mind while trying certain tricks.
The pegs are an obvious component. This is where you put your feet while bouncing. Pegs can be made from both Metal and Plastic, depending on which stick you are riding. Pegs are usually pretty strong, but once you start moving up and trying difficult tricks, they may break eventually.
Body / Tube
The body is where the biggest differeces in design come in. Air-powered sticks usually have a large cylindrical metal tube as a body, to hold the pressurized air. Classic spring sticks have a few different body designs to hold their metal spring, most of which leave the spring exposed for maintenance and aesthetic.
Handlebars / Grips
The handlebars are another obvious piece. Your hands grab the handlebars while riding. Handlebars come equiped with rubber or foam grips, to help absorb shock and maintain comfortability. Once again, each type of stick has different designs for the handlebars. The air-powered sticks have a straight tube, so each hand rests flush with the top of the stick. They also feature removable handlebars, because this piece is another one that will break fairly often. Some sticks are even designed to have the handlebars break on a serious impact, because we would much rather break the bar than your face or a more important component of the stick. Most classic sticks have the handlebars built into the body of the stick, so bending or breaking these is a little more disappointing, although usually still fixable.
Internal Components
The pieces inside of the pogo stick are the most important, because without them, the stick wouldn’t work. Each model has a different design, but air-powered sticks have some sort of piston at the top of the shaft, inside of the tube, along with air seals and shock absorbers. There is also a piece called a bushing, which lines the inside of the pegs. This piece helps reduce friction and keeps the shaft in-line.
Spring powered sticks have, of course, the spring. They also have a piece attached to the middle of the body called an upper pass, which holds the spring and shaft in place, and usually some sort of cotter pin or bolt which goes through the shaft, right above the pegs, to provide the spring resistance.
These are all replaceable parts, and most manufacturers sell them individually.
I think that just about covers the Anatomy of a Pogo Stick. Although each stick is different, they all follow the structure laid out above.
Now let’s learn about the History of the sport on our next page of the Pogo Guide.