Electric Air Compressors – All the rage!

A year or two ago is when I first started seeing these Electric Air Compressors pop up throughout the community. After a bit of skepticism, I gave one a chance and absolutely loved it. After pogoing for Fifteen years and riding a Vurtego for the majority of that, I grow tired of constantly pumping my Vurtego up to my jumping pressure, only for it to inevitably leak back out because I forgot to tighten something, you get the idea. The cycle is endless. So when I saw these electric pumps I knew I had to get one. After a bit of research, I found a brand I liked online and went for it.

There are a few brands out there currently. I went with the Avid Power model, but I’m sure the Ryobi pump is great, especially if you have other Ryobi tools in your household. An obvious benefit to all of them is of course, that you can pump up tires with it as well. I am a cheapskate who only buys used tires so I am a frequent user of the free Wawa Air pumps. -> (Read More) ->

Pogo Photo Archives – Part 2

Last week I posted the first part of a multi-part series with a peek into the pogo photography i’ve taken over the last fifteen years. As promised, here is part 2 with ten more photos!

Michael Mena – Sarasota, Florida (2014)
Mena throwing a huge Mandy with the ocean in the background.

Ryan O’Malley – Bradenton, Florida (2010)
Found this one on my camera from 12 years ago, not sure who shot it but I love a good Tuck Reverse photo.

Russ Kaus – Auckland, New Zealand (2017)
Russ, Dan Brown, and I took a trip to NZ for a gig. We had very little time to explore, but we found this old dormant volcano and adventured to the top.

Nick Ryan – Bradenton, Florida (2009)
I obviously didn’t take this photo seeing as I’m in it taking another photo, but I still had the original on my hard drive from whoever did. Nick Ryan with a huge tweak.

Biff Hutchison & Jake Gartland – Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
A little behind-the-scenes. Biff showing Jake a video clip during a sesh in Canada.
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Pogo Photo Archives – Part 1

Basically the entire time i’ve been pogoing I’ve been taking photos and documenting my experience. Every once in a while I will dig through my archives and pull out some highlights and bring them new life. Here’s part of a multi-part series with ten photos throughout the last fifteen or so years. Keep an eye out for part 2 coming soon!

Tone Staubs – San Diego, California (2016)
We climbed up to the to the top of this seaside cliff for a photo sesh after a day of exploring.

Earl Pote – Sarasota, Florida (2010)
One of my earlier photos, Earl jumping a classic roof gap at Sarasota High School.

Haley Greer – Northampton, Pennsylvania (2016)
The late Haley Greer stomping out her first backflip.

Harry White – London, Ontario, Canada (2016)
Harry throwing a huge superman during a good old turf sesh.

Biff Hutchison – Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada (2014)
Still one of my favorite photos, i’m glad I caught this. This child saw us at the skatepark earlier in the week and showed back up with his own pogo stick!
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Pogo History Channel Joins AllPogo!

We are super excited to announce that Pogo History Channel has joined the AllPogo family! PHC has been a close partner since before AllPogo even existed, so we’re happy to be able to help bring it to its full potential. We’ll have more news soon, but for now here’s the new Pogo History Channel logo. Go check them out!