Last week I posted the first part of a multi-part series with a peek into the pogo photography i’ve taken over the last fifteen years. As promised, here is part 2 with ten more photos!

Mena throwing a huge Mandy with the ocean in the background.

Found this one on my camera from 12 years ago, not sure who shot it but I love a good Tuck Reverse photo.

Russ, Dan Brown, and I took a trip to NZ for a gig. We had very little time to explore, but we found this old dormant volcano and adventured to the top.

I obviously didn’t take this photo seeing as I’m in it taking another photo, but I still had the original on my hard drive from whoever did. Nick Ryan with a huge tweak.

A little behind-the-scenes. Biff showing Jake a video clip during a sesh in Canada.

A blury night shot aesthetic for this one, definitely not on purpose but it looks pretty cool. Taylor throwing an ULBS.

Here’s Harry being Harry during a turf field sesh.

Mena throwing one of the first buddha grabs that I can remember during a classic sesh in Nick Ryan’s driveway.

An audience was growing as we were pogoing at the soccer fields when McClintock and co. were in town. Color Corrected just for funsies.

Another shot from the same location as our website background image. Nic Patino throwing a Mcgryz on top of the hill while Henry Cabelus gets ready and Mark Aldridge takes his own photos in the foreground.
So there is part 2 of my photo series. No definite promises on part 3 but i’m sure I can pull something together, so we’ll see next Saturday!