Nic Patino, Billings MT, 2015

Photo Sequences

While digging through some pogo photo archives recently, I started noticing a lot of photos sequences I (or someone else) shot but had only ever used one of the frames. Some of these I had shot with the intent of stitching together into sequences, some were just happy accidents with the camera in burst mode. I’ve always liked this method for showing the entirety of a trick in a single image – each motion is broken down, and the parabolic curve of each jump is revealed.

I couldn’t leave these shots in a dark corner or some hard drive, so I gathered a bunch of photos and edited together this collection from over the years. Enjoy ?

The Creation of AllPogo

Dedicated to the growth and development of Pogo Sticking – That’s our motto. Earl Pote came up with it a few months ago, & it immediately reminded me of the exact reason I started AllPogo in the first place. I wanted to build a place for all pogoers to go to learn and progress, while being entertained and enthralled. Regardless of skill level or what style they ride, I wanted everyone to fit in and feel at home. I wanted to give back to the community and the sport that has given me so much, the sport that I am so passionate about. I feel like we have finally done that here, with 

I started AllPogo as an instagram account simply known as “@extremepogo”. It built a small following over time, but it lacked any enthusiasm. After a while, I got fed up with it and abandoned the page, but I had a vision brewing for something so much better. I typed out a few ideas I had and decided I wanted to make them happen. -> (Read More) ->

Show us your #FirstULBS!

The Under Leg Bar Spin, or ULBS as it is commonly known, is one of the most popular tricks, and definitely one of the biggest milestones in the pogo world. The ULBS is the trick that unlocks so much potential, and landing your first one is an amazing feeling for everyone. We wanted to highlight that excitement, so we started our #FirstULBS campaign. Beginners and legends alike are sharing clips of their first ULBS, and we want you to join in too!

If you have a video of your first Under Leg Bar Spin, upload it to Instagram using the hashtag #FirstULBS, or send it directly to us via DM. We would love to see your first ULBS, and maybe even repost it. If you haven’t landed the ULBS yet, we definitely encourage you to practice hard and film your attempts! It may seem hard at first, but soon you’ll be throwing them like they are easy.