Background Check: Russ Kaus

Russ Kaus is a powerhouse of a pogoer that emerged in the scene in the late 2000’s, and has been pushing the sport ever since. Russ is well known for his “Go Big” attitude and riding style, and has recently landed one of the biggest tricks in the history of pogo at Pogopalooza 2020: the Double Stickflip. Check out our interview with Russ below, and make sure to watch Russ’s edit he put together of the history of the Stickflip, located at the bottom of the article!

AllPogo: What year did you start pogoing, and how old were you?

Russ: I started bouncing when I was 13 or 14 around 2007, but I just learned how to bounce. I tried 180 barspin and twisted my ankle so I assumed it was impossible. I knew nothing of Xpogo or any other riders.

AllPogo: How did you discover the sport?

Russ: I saw a news thing on CNN of Brian Spencer cruising around LA on a Vurtego. I thought it was the coolest thing ever and since I just learned how to bounce it was perfect timing. -> (Read More) ->

AllPogo Community Video Project – Now Accepting Clips!

Our original goal at AllPogo was to support our sport’s small but growing community in any way we could. In our next effort to bring the community together, we are planning to put together a community edit, featuring user-submitted clips. Check out more details below!

  • There is a one clip minimum, but we are asking everyone who submits a clip to ALSO submit a standalone clip of them doing an ULBS under your right leg as well, if possible. It’s not required, but would be nice! Right leg may be switch for some riders, so we understand if that’s not something you can land. Send in clips anyways! 
  • Submissions are open to anyone who is interested, and there is no limit to how many clips you can send in. The more, the better!
  • Any trick is allowed, and any style of riding as well. In fact, we would love to feature the entire spectrum pogoing offers, so we prefer a lot of different styles; Big Air, Street, Tech, Grinds or Flips, anything you want. Use any pogo stick.
-> (Read More) ->

AllPogo Presents: Fred’s Online Pogo Series

With the 4 trick showdown a proof of concept success, I want to expand upon that.

For 8 weeks, starting Aug 8th 2020, I want to host a series of online pogo shenanigans!!!

-Fred Gryzbowski


There will be two 8 person tournaments taking place over the 8 weeks. The two TOURNAMENTS will be ADD ON & P.O.G.O. They will run one right after another.

There will be weekly challenges as well with 4-8 people. The challenges will be a mix of different ideas from more (3,4,5,6) Trick Showdowns , group games of P.O.G.O, ADD ON, and more!

How will it work?

The two 8 person tournaments will be bracketed with the winner of each match moving forward to the next. Each match set will be a Best of 3 format, with the finals being Best of 5.

The schedule will roughly be the following:

Week 1 – Round of 8 – Jumper 1 vs Jumper 2 & Jumper 3 vs Jumper 4

Week 2 -Round of 8 – Jumper 5 vs Jumper 6 & Jumper 7 vs Jumper 8

Week 3 – Round of 4 – Semi Finals Match 1. -> (Read More) ->

Pogopalooza 2020 Awards

Here are the winners of this year’s Pogopalooza.

Virtual Pogopalooza Best Trick (Online Contest)

First: @xpogoflynn ULBS Flick ULBS
Second: @pogolouis Infinity Whip
Third: @pogobiff –  Bebop Birani
Fourth: @vurtegoflybarKendo Grab


First: Dalton Smith – 85.17
Second: Konner Kellogg – 81.50
Third: Nic Patino – 81.17


First: Tone Staubs – 78.33
Second: Michael Brookhart – 77.04
Third: Michael Mena – 73.42

High Jump

First: Dalton Smith – 10’6″
Second: Russ Kaus – 10′
Third: Nic Patino – 9’6″

Best Trick

First: Russ Kaus – Double Stickflip (!)
Second: Konner Kellogg – No Foot Cannonball Inward Whip
Third: Tone Staubs – Helicopter Roll

Pogopalooza 2020 Livestream Coverage!

We’re happy to have our very own Fred Gryzbowski on site at Pogopalooza 2020, and he is live streaming it on our AllPogo channels! We’re happy to feature the entire Freestyle Finals and Best Trick. Check them out below!

Freestyle Finals

Playlist: Pogopalooza 2020 Freestyle Finals

Best Trick

Playlist: Pogopalooza 2020 Best Trick

Ryan O’Malley Interview

Today we share part two of our interview seriews with our AllPogo staff. Check out the interview with AllPogo creator Ryan O’Malley below!

Earl: What year did you start pogoing, and how old were you?

Ryan: I started in the summer before my freshman year of High School, so that would be 2006 I believe, making me right around 15 years old. If my math is correct.

Earl: How did you discover the sport?

Ryan: My pogoing history is an interesting one. My first memories were hanging out with Nick Ryan at his parent’s house, which was right across the road from my grandparent’s house, where I spent a lot of my childhood. Nick had a Pogo-Roo, the pogo stick with the built-in counter. We used it often, and even thought, like many, that we created a new sport. We “invented” a dozen or so tricks, but the only one I remember was the drummer boy, which was no handed bouncing while drumming on the frame. Very creative! I even remember my first real bail. I tried to jump the entire length of one square of Nick’s driveway. -> (Read More) ->

The 4 Trick Showdown

The 4-trick showdown will be the first ever live online pogo competition. It will be held Saturday July 11th 2020 at 1pm EST and will be streamed live on twitch


With all this free time I want to connect to the community and try and give something back. I think this can be a fun new idea that could potential be expanded in the future. With previous “online competitions” people would send videos back and forth but would hardly ever reach a conclusion. That why I want to do it LIVE! It will only take a few hours to complete. This was a spur of the moment idea and I’m running with it! I decided to host this two weeks before Pogopalooza so that way it can be used as practice for those attending.  Why 4 tricks? Simple, I’m sick of seeing only 3 trick combos. I just want to try something fun, new, and different. 

How will it work? 

The competition will be a “Round Robin” format. Each athlete will be in a que and when it is their turn will attempt their best 4 trick combo. -> (Read More) ->

Earl Pote Interview

Today we’re kicking off a multi-part interview series, with none other than the two guys working behind the scenes here at AllPogo interviewing each other. First off, i’ll be interviewing a man who plays a lot of different roles in the world of pogoing. He’s a tech pogoing champion, a pogo modding mastermind, a general pogo historian, and one of the most innovative riders our sport has seen. Check out my interview with the legendary Earl Pote below!

Of course, we have to start with the basics.

Ryan: What year did you start pogoing, and how old were you?

     Earl: I started pogoing in 2002, I was 12 years old.

Ryan: How did you discover the sport?

    Earl: Bryan Pognant and I were childhood friends, we went to a carnival together when we very young with his mom. We saw an abandoned bottom spring pogo leaning up against the fence of a ferris wheel and devised a plan to steal it. Once we had it, we tried screwing around with tricks we thought we made up. -> (Read More) ->

Community Highlight: Tone Staubs #PogoAllMay Web Edit 2020

In an effort to keep new content flowing and help spread the community videos that keep this sport going, we are going to start featuring new edits from members of our community. To kick it off, none other than Tone Staubs. Tone has been changing the game a lot over the years, but this has never been more prevalent. For the month of May, or #PogoAllMay, Tone went out and filmed like crazy, and he put together this insane new web edit with all of the footage. Tone is inventing new grinds and stringing together crazy grind-street lines, and still throwing some insane big air tricks. Check it out!

Pogopalooza 2020 – Dates and Info!

Xpogo just released the dates and info for Pogopalooza 2020! The event will be held on July 25th & 26th, at the Xpogo HQ in Wilkinsburg, PA. In order to keep everyone safe, this will be a distanced-palooza with a limited number of people. More details on what that means for attending and viewing coming soon. Make sure to follow Xpogo for more infomation as it is released.