Our original goal at AllPogo was to support our sport’s small but growing community in any way we could. In our next effort to bring the community together, we are planning to put together a community edit, featuring user-submitted clips. Check out more details below!
- There is a one clip minimum, but we are asking everyone who submits a clip to ALSO submit a standalone clip of them doing an ULBS under your right leg as well, if possible. It’s not required, but would be nice! Right leg may be switch for some riders, so we understand if that’s not something you can land. Send in clips anyways!
- Submissions are open to anyone who is interested, and there is no limit to how many clips you can send in. The more, the better!
- Any trick is allowed, and any style of riding as well. In fact, we would love to feature the entire spectrum pogoing offers, so we prefer a lot of different styles; Big Air, Street, Tech, Grinds or Flips, anything you want. Use any pogo stick. Just get us some clips!
- Please make sure to fill out the quick submission form at the bottom for credit in the video and description when sending in clips. You only need to fill it out once, even if you submit a bunch of clips.
- If you would like to submit a clip but the Google Drive link or form aren’t working, feel free to email it over to us at [email protected]

To upload a clip, we are asking that you submit the clip to our Google Drive account, linked below. Just hit the “new” button in the top left corner, then hit file upload and choose your clips!
Submission Link:
Submission Info Form:
[ninja_forms id=3]