International Pogo Day 2021 – 07/09

Nic Patino (@nicpatino) during the Street Slam in 2016.

Happy International Pogo Day! Xpogo created the holiday a few years back and we’ve been celebrating it every year since. Two years ago on this exact date, we launched the Official AllPogo Website.

Every year the sport changes and grows, ebbs and flows. But the one thing that doesn’t change is the passion we see every day. The effort that goes into practicing for hours. The fearlessness of chasing that stubborn trick. The emotion we see when that trick is finally landed. It’s what fuels us all.

I’ll be honest, running this website while working 60 hour work weeks and raising a child is not easy. I end up starting projects that I never finish, too often. But regardless, we here at AllPogo absolutely love this sport and aim to do everything we can to build it up as best as we can. We hope you’ll join along.

Now go celebrate International Pogo Day any way you see fit, and make sure to hashtag #internationalpogoday and tag us! -> (Read More) ->

#PogoAllMay – Going on now!

It’s that time of the year again, Pogo All May! If you are not familiar, the Pogo community celebrates the month of May by attempting to post a new clip every single day, no matter how big or small. Last year our buddies at Xpogo spiced it up with a game of bingo, and they just released this year’s bingo card!

Get bingo and Xpogo will send you some stickers. Fill up the whole card and they’ll send you a shirt! Looking forward to seeing everyone’s posts this year! Check out the Bingo cards below.

Blue Lips – Enhanced 10 Year Anniversary – Earl Pote

In 2010, I pretty much decided overnight to pack all of my stuff and move to Florida. I was 20 years old, had a good amount of cash in my bank, and had been thinking about moving to Florida for a while. The thought of being able to pogo year round in warm weather was incredibly exciting to me, and that was the reason why I made the move.

No Handed Ninja Kick Peg Tap

After I got all settled into an apartment in Bradenton, home of Team Hyper Pogo, I began pogoing every single day. It was like paradise. After living in Chicago my entire life, I only had a few months a year where it was good pogo weather, and i’ve always HATED the cold. Not only that, but now I had people to pogo with, which also drove up my desire to constantly jump and influenced me to step up my game.

The very first Casper documented on video

I began filming Blue Lips in Fall 2011. Filming started out like pretty much all of my solo videos, I didn’t really have a solid plan for what the video would look like, I was just stacking clips here and there. -> (Read More) ->

Background Check: Dan Mahoney

We recently had a chat with the legendary Daniel Mahoney, pro pogoer and tea expert. Check out the article below to learn more about Dan’s history in the sport, his life as a tea connoisseur, and more.

Dan Mahoney vaulting over a rail.

AllPogo: Hey Dan, thanks for doing this interview. What year did you start pogoing, and how old were you?

Dan: I often say I started in 2006 when I was 12, but that’s not exactly true. When I was 8 or 9, my sister got a pogo stick for her birthday. They were sold out of the “moon shoes” she had asked for, and I guess a pogo made sense as “the next best thing.” The Tony Hawk video games were big at the time, so obviously we wanted to up the game once just jumping up and down got too easy. I followed my older brother’s example as he tried all kinds of weird stuff. Really, I just wanted to be included and so I jumped a lot with my brother for a couple weeks until he got bored. -> (Read More) ->