Dedicated to the growth and development of Pogo Sticking – That’s our motto. Earl Pote came up with it a few months ago, & it immediately reminded me of the exact reason I started AllPogo in the first place. I wanted to build a place for all pogoers to go to learn and progress, while being entertained and enthralled. Regardless of skill level or what style they ride, I wanted everyone to fit in and feel at home. I wanted to give back to the community and the sport that has given me so much, the sport that I am so passionate about. I feel like we have finally done that here, with
I started AllPogo as an instagram account simply known as “@extremepogo”. It built a small following over time, but it lacked any enthusiasm. After a while, I got fed up with it and abandoned the page, but I had a vision brewing for something so much better. I typed out a few ideas I had and decided I wanted to make them happen. I came up with the name AllPogo, and I loved it, so I immediately snagged up the Instagram handle and went to work on social media posts. The community seemed to show support, and I was having fun doing it.

A few months later, Earl Pote messaged me about hopping on board to help me make AllPogo a full-fledged brand and website. I was starved for time, but having a Earl as a partner kept me motivated, and we got straight to work. We brainstormed logos, and came up with a rough draft. Earl sent that over to our friend Dave Armstrong. Dave is the original creator of, and is often attributed with creating the sport entirely. It was an honor to have him design our logo. Within a few days he sent us back our “AP” Icon logo and we loved it! I ended up taking that logo and expanding on it to create the full text logo and our video intros, but we couldn’t have done any of it without Dave. Once we had our logos, we wanted to start building the website, but was actually taken. We decided to hold off for a few weeks. Later on I checked again, and it just happened to be available, so we bought it right then. Fast forward to now. After a couple hard months of designing and working out logistics, we’re finally almost done with the website, and we are taking it public for the first time. We have two full videos out already, and more on the way. We even have a trick list, something I have seen many members of the community attempt, and even more ask for. Don’t get me started on the nightmare that is recalling and organizing close to 300 tricks. Glad that’s almost over with!

I hope it’s apparent how much love we put into this website, and AllPogo in general. We will never stop trying to grow and develop our sport, and we’re glad to have you along for the ride.