Tone and Russ sat down with Undialed for an awesome podcast, and a video to match. Check it out below!
Rest In Peace, Haley Greer.

I don’t even know how to begin writing this post. I’ve had a little while to personally process this tragedy, and it still chokes me up writing about it now. The pogo community has lost one of our most valuable jumpers. Haley Greer – the sport’s only real, dedicated female athlete – has taken her final bounce. Anyone who knew Haley personally knew her to be fearless, incredibly resilient, and extremely passionate. I would say a lot of us even thought of her as superhuman – considering some of the slams we saw her take, only to stand back up, eventually returning to the pogo stick. Haley had an endless love for pogoing, and her impact and history will be long celebrated. The first, and only woman to backflip on a pogo stick to date, among many other accomplishments. Haley Greer, in my opinion, was the ultimate pogoer. She lived for the sport, and we will forever miss her.
Rest In Peace, Haley T. Greer

Inside Pogo – Episode #2 – Earl Pote
In this episode I get to talk with the tech master, Earl Pote. We discuss injuries, his first pogopalooza, and of course share some old stories.
Inside Pogo – Episode #1 – Biff Hutchison
Pogofred Presents: Inside Pogo – The goal of inside pogo is simple, take an inside look at everything pogo stick related. Get to know the athletes, hear stories, break down videos, and create an oral history of pogo sticking.
Community Highlight: Tone Staubs – “Something Sweet”
The always innovative Tone Staubs just released his long-awaited “Something Sweet” edit. Check it out below!
“Signature Series” Pogo Sticks Coming Soon!
After an incredibly long wait, Earl Pote’s Signature Series Tech Sticks are finally making a return! The old supplier of the custom springs went out of business, and finding a new supplier that can make a spring like this was not an easy task. Earl received a shipment today of prototype springs, and they passed the test. We are happy to announce that the sticks are returning for sale within a few weeks with a new supply of springs! Check out details below about the brand new 2021 Signature Series Sticks.

The handlebars are entirely wrapped with foam and tape for the most comfortable and versatile grip possible. The center where the two handlebars meet is tightly wrapped with gorilla tape then topped with hockey tape to prevent it from ever becoming loose.

Each frame is hand signed by Earl Pote after being built and a piece of clear tape is placed over the signature to protect it from smearing off.

The Signature Series comes with a special spring that was designed to outperform a standard Super Pogo spring, an original Gravity Games spring, and virtually any steel spring ever placed in a pogo stick. -> (Read More) ->
AllPogo Jumper of the Year 2020!

We at AllPogo decided a few months ago to start doing a yearly Jumper of the Year award, and give it to the one we think deserves it the most. Were kicking it off in 2020, and this year it was an easy decision. When the topic was brought up, we all unanimously decided without hesitation that the Jumper of the Year award belonged to none other than Tone Staubs.
Tone has been absolutely killing it this year. He has been releasing consistent content on social media as well as pushing the sport forward by innovating his own unique style. Tone has always been known as a well rounded jumper, being able to throw down hard at both Tech and Big Air (both flat and street). In recent years Tone has taken it a step further and has been taking the grind game to an entirely new level that the sport has never seen.
Congratulations Tone on earning the very first AllPogo Jumper of the Year award! You deserve it!
Pogo Chat

If you have a Facebook account and you haven’t already joined the “Pogo Chat” group, come on over. The community is waiting.
Earl Pote: 18 Years
The year was 2002, I was only 12 years old. My newly acquainted best friend, Bryan Pognant, and I went to an Irish Fest together with his family. We saw a pogo stick abandoned by a ferris wheel, devised a plan to make it ours and made it happen. I still remember that day clearly, even though it was 18 years ago. Bryan and I were passing it back and forth in the parking lot seeing who could get the most jumps or who could jump with one hand or one foot.

Later that day when we got home, we logged onto the internet via AOL Dial-Up internet and searched Ask Jeeves (lol) for like-minded individuals that may think of a pogo stick as more than just a toy. We stumbled across At the time the website was in its early infancy stage with only a handful of regular users. We signed up for the forums and were greeted by legends like Dave Armstrong, Nick McClintock and Fred Grzybowski. Back then we were always excited when someone new joined the forums, because it happened so rarely. -> (Read More) ->
Mile High now offering custom stick wraps!

Have you always wanted your own design printed on your Vurtego tube? Listen up, this is for you. The guys over at Mile High Pogo are now offering custom printed Vurtego tube wraps! Head on over to their website to download the template, and then get to work creating your own work of art. Once finished, just upload it and they will do the rest.
For more details, check out their shop page here.