Pogoing in the winter is a real pain. When I was filming “Winter Sucks” (2008) there were clips where I was out filming in -13 F. I never let the cold stop me from getting out there and filming, and here I’ll be giving you some tips that helped me power through tough Chicago winters.
Be Motivated.
This is by far the biggest and most important factor of sticking to pogoing during the cold season. You need to have the utmost determination to be able to go outside in sub zero temperatures to film or even just practice. My biggest motivation in the early/mid 2000’s was trying to stay relevant in the game. I knew guys in Florida (Team Hyper Pogo) were still jumping and getting better in the year round warmth, so I had no other choice but to jump in the cold, even if it was just to keep up with what everyone else was doing.
Wear Layers.

I found after years of jumping in the cold, that layers of clothing always works way better than just a very heavy winter jacket. Thermals are fantastic for keeping warm (pictured above). I would normally wear thermals, then a long sleeve T-Shirt, followed by a flannel and finished with a light jacket. As you jump and your body warms up, you can take a layer or two off and adjust until you are comfortable.
Wear Wool Socks.
Keeping your feet warm is extremely important when you’re out jumping in the cold. If your feet are cold, you wont be able to jump at your 100%. Wool socks are great at insulating your feet, and they also absorb moisture way better than traditional cotton socks. If you live in a very cold area, make sure to purchase heavy duty winter wool socks. These are normally used by guys who work outside, like construction workers.
Use Hand Warmers.

These are a life saver in the winter. I dont know about you, but I cannot stand pogoing with gloves on. I used to carry gloves with me so I could wear them when I wasn’t jumping, but I could never jump with them on. Keep a set of hot hands in your jacket or pants pockets, so whenever you’re not actively jumping you can keep your hands warm in your pockets.
Find a Pavilion/Sheltered Area.
This is an obvious, but very important step in trucking along through the winter. Go out for a drive and find a pavilion in your area that could work for pogoing. This is useful for when its actively snowing or the ground is still wet. I got lucky and found a huge pavilion at the local college that had small stair sets, you can see me jumping in this in all of my winter Chicago videos!
Use Snow To Your Advantage.

How did I learn to full backflip? I sent it into a huge pile of snow I shoveled. This is an old school technique for learning new tricks, especially flips, but it IS effective if done correctly. Just make sure the takeoff isn’t snowy or icy, I learned that the hard way!