We’re back with another update on the state of AllPogo, Pogopalooza, and Pogoing in general. Let’s get into it.

AllPogo Updates:
- AllPogo has been a bit slow on the social media channels after launching the REAPER and Aidan’s new video. The 2023 post-holiday season has wrapped up and we are kicking on the machine once again for another successful year of Pogo Sticking and community building.
- We are unfortunately NOT going to be hosting our Winter Warm-Up event this year. We are going to try to bring it back next winter, but seeing as this winter is almost over, it makes more sense to dedicate our efforts towards Pogopalooza. It was a fun time the first time around, but I’m continually hoping to make it an event worth traveling to and I wasn’t confident in that this year, so we’ll see how it goes in the future.
- Our Tricklist is back up and running! Grab a few new tricks today and you can have them mastered for #PogoAllMay later this year.

- Earl Pote has been hard at work in his workshop, continually saving the sport and changing the game simultaneously. He has been in the private testing phase of his upcoming Vurtego Shaft replacement line, including RIPPER shafts, V4 Shafts, and Air Shafts.
- Earl has also spearheaded the creation of a whole new in-house Vurtego Peg Replacement set, and he is currently in the prototyping phases of this product.
- REAPER sticks are available for sale on our web store and READY TO SHIP! Let’s make those tech dreams come true.

- Pogopalooza is coming up QUICK! June 21st – 23rd will be here before we know it. Want to help make it the best event ever? Feel free to drop me an email with any ideas, tips, questions, or anything you may want to talk about. In the mean time, PLEASE share the event with everyone you know. This is the 20th anniversary of Pogopalooza and we are trying to make it the BEST ONE EVER.
- There are a few changes coming this year to the Pogopalooza live stream, but we’ll talk more about those later on.
Everything Else:
Burying this down at the bottom of the post so that the old Flybar people don’t find this, as they most definitely won’t be looking at this. Flybar still sucks. If you are out of the loop, Vurtego was bought by Flybar a few years ago. Right after the Slingshot launched, Flybar fired Ian and basically killed the company. Vurtego is pretty much dead at this point, it seems. The social media accounts haven’t had any interaction, no posts, nothing at all. We all obviously still ride Vurtego sticks and have pride in them, so I am at a loss as to where we go from here. I’m confident that eventually we’ll have a replacement, but in the mean time I’d say this –
Care for your Vurtego Tubes.
Try not to dent them & destroy them. That goes for your entire stick. Luckily some of the parts are entering a place where we can replace them, and I believe tubes will get there soon enough too. But for now, keep what you have in the best condition that you can, cause who knows what could happen in the future.
I’ll be trying my best to keep AllPogo more active, as it is my passion project and gift to the sport which has done so much for me. I regret every week that I go without even posting something on the Instagram page, so I want to make sure I keep up with it more. Hopefully next time I update you it will have better news, but until then, take care of your sticks, and yourselves. Get ready for #PogoAllMay, and see every single one of you reading this at Pogopalooza 2024.