After an incredibly long wait, Earl Pote’s Signature Series Tech Sticks are finally making a return! The old supplier of the custom springs went out of business, and finding a new supplier that can make a spring like this was not an easy task. Earl received a shipment today of prototype springs, and they passed the test. We are happy to announce that the sticks are returning for sale within a few weeks with a new supply of springs! Check out details below about the brand new 2021 Signature Series Sticks.

The handlebars are entirely wrapped with foam and tape for the most comfortable and versatile grip possible. The center where the two handlebars meet is tightly wrapped with gorilla tape then topped with hockey tape to prevent it from ever becoming loose.

Each frame is hand signed by Earl Pote after being built and a piece of clear tape is placed over the signature to protect it from smearing off.

The Signature Series comes with a special spring that was designed to outperform a standard Super Pogo spring, an original Gravity Games spring, and virtually any steel spring ever placed in a pogo stick. The spring allows the stick to actually bottom out, which means the bottom of the pegs hit the top of the tip. Before on pretty much all spring pogo sticks in existence, the spring fully compresses before you actually bottom out, meaning the pogo stick “bottomed out” an inch or so before the pegs actually met the tip. This is terrible for spring life but it also creates a harder shearing force on the pegs which makes pegs break easier. This spring eliminates that problem, which creates a stronger, stiffer spring thats lasts longer and jumps higher than any spring stick before.

The pegs on this stick are professionally covered with an incredibly durable (and expensive) coating which makes them the strongest Tech pogo pegs ever. After being coated, they are gripped with MOB skate grip and given the gold “SS” insignia. Check out the video below to see an impact test of stock Super Pogo pegs vs SS pegs.

The ridiculously weak and hard to deal with cotter pin is removed on this stick and replaced with a custom fabricated Spring Compressor. Not only is this compressor incredibly strong and evenly compresses the spring causing a very smooth and responsive bounce, it also makes it super easy to take the pogo stick apart for repairs, travel, etc. Whatever you do, make sure to follow the directions you receive with your stick and DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN THE BOLT IN THE SPRING COMPRESSOR. This can cause damage to it and weaken it. Always use thread locking compound on the bolt and SNUGLY tighten it. Check out the video below showing how the Spring Compressor works.

The shaft on this stick is probably the best thing about it, surprisingly. The steel shaft is reinforced with a solid aluminum rod, making it nearly indestructable and the strongest pogo stick shaft in the world, while also being light (and yet again very expensive). Dont be afraid to Bronco down a stair set or do a Big Air trick and land in Peg Tap, its been done time and time again and these shafts do not bend one bit.

I mentioned earlier that the spring was designed so that the stick can actually bottom out, helping prevent sheared pegs and extending spring life. To help rider comfort and again help prevent stick damage, a shock absorber was added to the SS on top of the tip to help absorb shock when you bottom out. Also, the rubber tip in these sticks is not only epoxied in place, but also secured with four countersunk screws to prevent the annoyance of your tip falling out.