We at AllPogo are proud to announce a new project we’ve been working on, The Golden Grom Award: A Posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award for Haley Greer. We wanted to honor Haley’s legacy, and this seems like an acceptable way. We have partnered with NSG to create a one-of-a-kind Golden NSG Grom, which we are planning on donating to The Pogo Hayes Foundation, in hopes that it will help them keep Haley’s vision and legend alive through future generations – They are free to do with it as they please. In addition to the award, our partnership with NSG has given us the opportunity to host a public $3 raffle, with all profits also going to The Pogo Hayes Foundation. The raffle gives you a chance to win a one-of-a-kind Golden NSG Flight. We’ll get more to that later, but first, a quick word from AllPogo founder Ryan O’Malley.

Last year our sport tragically and suddenly lost one of it’s staple jumpers, Haley Greer. One of the very few female pogoers, and the only girl to ever land a backflip – Haley was known throughout the sport as one of the bravest riders out there. I had long wanted to give her some sort of award; Some big acknowledgement that we as a community had her back and loved having her jumping with us. Unfortunately I was too late, busy with my own life. When I had heard the news that she had passed away, I was heartbroken and distraught. I already wasn’t in the best place mentally, and learning that really affected me. Haley had confided in me often about her problems in and out of the sport, and I considered her a good friend. We had talked a lot after her father passed away. We chatted often when she was considering retiring from the sport after a doctor recommended her to do so; She refused, thinking it would make her less of a pogoer. I wanted her to know that wasn’t the case; Once a pogoer, always a pogoer. Especially so in her case. She wasn’t even just a pogoer, she was a friend to all of us. Young and old, new and experienced. We ALL took a hit when her father passed away – We all felt her pain.
Although it may be too late to personally award her this, I know she knew her importance. I still had to do it, and so I started planning and reaching out to the community. Seeing as she was widely known to ride the NSG Flight and Grom, I knew they were the sticks to go with here. NSG was kind enough to donate sticks to the cause, and with some help from Xpogo and the entire pogo community, we were able to hopefully honor her life and legacy, even if only in a small way. We put our all into it, just as she would have.
Ryan O’Malley
Golden Grom

This one-of-a-kind Golden NSG Grom, the namesake of this award, is to be donated to The Pogo Hayes Foundation. It will be theirs to do with as they please. It may end up in the hands of a well-deserving new pogoer, or maybe it will be held onto as a memory. Either way, it is a symbol of Haley’s spirit and attitude within the sport, and we’re excited to see what happens with it in the long run.
The Golden Raffle

As we stated above, we are raffling off this one-of-a-kind Golden NSG Flight, with all proceeds going to The Pogo Hayes Foundation. Each entry costs $3 and you can buy as many entries as you would like. To buy an entry to the raffle, head on over to our shop page, hit this link, shoot us a DM on Instagram, whatever you have to do – We’ll count it. The raffle winner will be chosen randomly, streamed live on our Instagram page, on the date of Friday, October 8th 2021.
Purchase a raffle ticket here.
We hope this project helps keep Haley Greer’s legacy alive and thriving. Thank you for supporting this project and a good cause.
Additional big thanks to:
Xpogo / Will Weiner – For facilitating the contact between AllPogo and Haley’s family, The Pogo Hayes Foundation.
NSG – For the kind donation of the two pogo sticks.
Sean O’Malley – For his help with everything throughout this project and the spectacular paint job.
Andrew Biggs – For the logo design.

While I’m saddened by the loss of Haley, I’m happy to contribute to this raffle. I have wanted one of your pogo sticks for a while. I’ll be a proud owner one way or another!